In the statement made by the Commodity Exchange, it was asked to pay more attention to the necessary measures to be taken against the epidemic in this period, when the sectors are going through a very difficult process due to the pandemic and the normalization is in the 3rd month.

Mask, Distance, Hygiene

In the statement, which emphasized once again that the mask, hygiene and social distance rules should never be neglected in the streets, at home and workplaces, the effects of the pandemic on the trade and industry sectors will be seen more clearly in the coming days, and to construct future investments and planning by reading this process correctly should be the most important issue of all business owners It was said.

Continue to Production and Export

According to TURKSTAT data, while exports decreased by 5.8% and imports decreased by 7.9% according to the general trade system in July in Mersin, exports increased by 4.1% in July 2020 compared to the same month of 2019 and reached 241 million dollars. Our country's seven-month agricultural exports increased by 4 percent in August; Drawing attention to the fact that the exports of fruits, vegetables and products sector increased by 19.3% compared to the same month of the previous year and reached 491 million dollars, the actors of the agricultural sector, which has a strategic importance, continued production and export.

Continuing to Contribute to Sectoral Specialization

Drawing attention to the fact that the pandemic process provides new opportunities in trade, and that technology-based productivity increase, especially with e-commerce, will constitute the infrastructure of the upcoming new normalization period;

In order to improve the value-added structure of the agricultural sector, to increase the adaptation of the agricultural sectors to the global demand dynamics, to ensure integration with the technological and business manners in the world in the pandemic process, and to create the application ground, the Exchange has increased its effectiveness in this context and it is emphasized that it provides services one by one for each member. It was stated that they will continue to act together with its members, adapt to new balances, develop strategies and contribute to sectoral specialization.

Okunma Sayısı: 1161