Mersin Metropolitan President Burhanettin Kocamaz and Tarsus President  Şevket Can participated in the Sector Meeting which took place in Borsa on the occasion of a visit to Tarsus Commodity Exchange Board of Directors Chairman Murat Kaya and the Meclisi'in 'goodbye', which renewed confidence in the elections held in April.   

The Chairman of the Stock Exchange and the President of the Assembly İsmail Ekincioğlu expressed their satisfaction from the visit.

Commodity Exchange President Murat Kaya said during his visit, "We are discussing the problems of Tarsus, both of our sectors, by making extensive participatory meetings with which we consult our sectoral problems. At this point, we compare Tarsus with the illusions and the cities around us, and we see the difference in terms of municipality. " 

Tarsus Mayor Şevket Can reminded that the Mayor Burhanettin Kocamaz with the Chairman of the Commodity Exchange Murat Kaya and the Assembly came to visit the 'goodness' "Tarsus Mayor Şevket Can said," We have already worked with Sayın Murat Kaya and His Majlis and will work together again at the end of his confidence refreshment. I also congratulate Emincioğlu who is İsmail rightfully chosen for his duty once. We manage all our institutions and organizations in Tarsus together with NGOs. We are in constant consultation with the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the managers. We share the common good in this city and we are doing good services together. In this way, I convey my wishes to the Rock and the Assembly, which have renewed confidence in the elections. We are with you as a local government. Cnenab-ı Allah used this expression to give us good service to this city we live in ".

Mersin Metropolitan President Burhanettin Kocamaz also occasionally visited the Chamber and Civil Society Organizations after their elections and stated that they wish their success to the selected friends on these visits and stated that they would like to share with you on the Tarsus Commodity Exchange. As far as I can see, there are a few of them. There is a young generation in management. I hope you will sign good services on behalf of Tarsus. Murat, as President stated, is better noticed when Tarsus comes out from inside or comes from outside. If the fish do not know the value of water if they do not get out of the water, while living in people, the development in that city does not notice much change. When we put our associates together, the details strangulate and disappear in those joints. Unfortunately, when we think small, we are stuck with small details and it is getting harder to integrate people in this regard. Everyone is on duty in this regard. "

Commodity Exchange President Murat Kaya said during his visit that "When we compared the provinces and cities as we mentioned before, we see the difference of Tarsus in terms of municipality very comfortably. God bless you all of you. Especially the ones we see in this city that we live in are reminded of us from outside. To your heart, to your sincere health, God bless you once again, "he said.

President Murat Kaya underscored that they would be willing to make the best service to Tarsus and all the members with a new enthusiasm again in the new period and added that they will always cooperate with Tarsus for the development and prosperity of Tarsus.

Commodity Exchange Board Chairman Murat Kaya and Parliament Speaker İ. About Ekincioğlu, Metropolitan Mayor Burhanettin Kocamaz'a commemorating the visit to the 88th verse of the Surat al-Hud 'Achievement; But with the Help of Allah, 'he gave a table written.

On the visit, the Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Kerim Tufan and the MHP Tarsus District Chairman Ertuğrul Bodur were present.


Okunma Sayısı: 1457