A Granted Sunflower Seed Distribution ceremony was held at Tarsus Commodity Exchange under the coordination of the District Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry.

Tarsus District Governor Mehmet Ali Akyüz, Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Erdem Karadağ, District Director of Agriculture and Forestry Hayri Erdoğan, Tarsus Mufti Murat Akçay, Provincial Agriculture Branch Managers and producers who will receive the seeds subject to the grant attended.

Mustafa Teke, Chairman of the Board of Directors, who made the opening speech of the ceremony, said: "For many years, OUR EXCHANGE has been conveying our request to our Ministry to bring fallow lands and idle agricultural lands into production on every platform. The decision regarding Activating and Supporting the Use of Agricultural Lands was very accurate. “I hope it will be fruitful for our country,” he said.

District Director of Agriculture and Forestry, Hayri Erdoğan, touched upon the importance of our event organized for Granted Sunflower Seed Distribution for our producers and stated that the productivity increase will be achieved in the products on which we depend on foreign sources.

Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Erdem Karadağ stated that such projects carried out with the decision on Activating and Supporting the Use of Agricultural Lands will increase our production and make our producers happy.

Tarsus District Governor Mehmet Ali Akyüz thanked those who contributed to the realization of the event and stated that both the producer and the country will gain with the incentives and grants that will be added to the production infrastructure, encourage agricultural production, and allow agricultural production areas to be removed from idle status.

The ceremony ended with Mufti Akçay's prayer and wish for abundance.

Okunma Sayısı: 157