Tarsus Olive Platform meeting, in which the geographically marked Tarsus Sarıulak Olive and oil constitutes the main agenda, was held under the Presidency of District Governor Kadir Sertel OTCU.

Congratulating Alata Horticultural Research Institute Director Cengiz Türkay for his new assignment, platform members wished success and good wishes to Türkay.

The Chairman of the Exchange, Murat Kaya, at the meeting, where he emphasized the things to be done to understand the geographical indication and brand value of Tarsus Sarıulak olive and its oil, to adopt it locally, to promote it in a national sense, how and at what points to raise awareness and support the producers, wishing the new harvest season for the olive He informed that they made an official geographical indication application for the geographically marked Tarsus Sarıulak Olive oil on 21 April 2020 and the activities carried out so far as the secretariat of the platform.

In his speech, District Governor Kadir Sertel OTCU pointed out that it is necessary to take a series of measures that businesses operating in the olive sector must comply with in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in workplaces, to protect the health of employees and society and to minimize the risks during the pandemic process. The necessary rules and the necessary measures to be taken were consulted with the participants of the meeting. On the issue of promoting Tarsus Sarıulak Olive and its oil and raising awareness, Mr. OTCU advised the platform members to create an action plan and underlined that if the work to be carried out within the framework of this plan is followed in periods, it will proceed faster.

 Deputy Director Ünzile Kuru stated that they support the activities carried out within the scope of the promotion and branding of the products with geographical indication, mentioning the contribution they made to the works as a municipality in the promotion of geographically marked and local products.

In his speech, in which the District Agriculture and Forestry Directorate informed the meeting members and olive operators about the duties and authorities of the commission formed on "Prevention of Yield and Quality Losses in Olives", the District Director of Agriculture Hayri Erdogan informed the efficiency and quality of Tarsus Sarıulak Olive and Tarsus Sarıulak Olive oil with quality. He drew attention to the importance of conscious production and correct harvesting time, referring to the fact that high polyphenol times vary according to harvest periods, and that the early harvest period of yellow yellow differs from other olive varieties.

Cengiz Türkay, Director of Alata Horticultural Research Institute, touched on the studies carried out on the production of olive saplings since 2009, and informed about the vaccination methods to be followed on the production of Tarsus Sarıulak Olive saplings and the analysis results of Tarsus Sarıulak Olive Oil for which geographical indication was applied.

Veyis Avcı, President of Tarsus Chamber of Agriculture, pointed out that the producers producing Tarsus Sarıulak Olives are different and valuable from other olive varieties and stated that they are ready to help protect, market and increase the production of this local variety

Okunma Sayısı: 1223