Chairman of the Board of Tarsus Commodity Exchange Murat Kaya stated that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, which threatens the whole world, once again shows the strategic importance of the agriculture sector in the world, and that production in agriculture should be increased in the coming period.

Murat Kaya, in his statement to our newspaper, underlined that the agricultural sector has reached an even more important point in the Covid-19 process, “We have seen once again that even if everything stops during the new type of coronavirus epidemic, the need for food and nutrition does not stop. Today, we are watching how the waste of some countries neglecting agriculture will endanger their future. For this, it is necessary to continue to increase the production of food for healthy nutrition and our agricultural production for food supply without interruption. ”

Emphasizing the need for preparation for the continuation of agricultural production for all kinds of bad scenarios, Chairman of the Stock Exchange Murat Kaya said, “First of all, I would like to underline that we see that the people who feed the world govern the world today. For this reason, all kinds of agricultural production should be supported. After providing ourselves with enough food products, we can use the remaining products for export. ”

Murat Kaya declared, because of the coronavirus outbreak in Turkey in a fight altogether with these secretions "We have Tarsus Mercantile Exchange as we in providing continuous telephone or video conference meeting with our members in the process of consultations on the agenda. We convey their troubles and expectations to us to TOBB. It is our greatest wish for the future of humanity to end this epidemic, which has cost the lives of thousands of people around the world. ”

Okunma Sayısı: 905