TarSus Commodity Exchange has begun to sign a new guideline to provide its members with "Foreign Trade Training in the Workplace" project and to provide one-on-one foreign trade training at member merchants.

Tarsus Commodity Exchange Board of Directors believes that the companies, not the exporting countries, realize foreign trade and export education in their own establishments in line with their wishes.

Turkey's 2023 export target to achieve with this initiative in order to draw attention to the need to increase the number of exporters to stock-member, member - exchange relationship with the export target will be increased or incentives that will benefit the members have never export is aimed to encourage explaining exports.

In order to increase the export axis and volume of the stock market and to increase the export range, Bursa Foreign Trade Expert Pınar Alegöz was appointed to give training to the members who were willing about the first "FOREIGN TRADE and EXPORTER TECHNICAL INSURANCE".

Within the context of the Foreign Trade Training project at the workplace, CM Lojistik Ltd., which is also included within the scope of Bursa Foreign Trade Expert Pınar Alegöz URGE project. and Agrohoby Agricultural Products Industry Ltd. export financing, methods of finding export customer, payment and delivery forms in export, documents used in export, etc. began to give their first trainings on their subjects.

Borsa Foreign Trade Expert Pınar Alegöz has expressed his return with his words in the trainings he started. "Agrohoby Ltd., operating in the Medical and Aromatic Plants sector, exports to more than 20 countries by processing bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, etc. Mr. Ali Yalçın, our company partner, expresses his satisfaction after the Foreign Trade Training, which we provide to the company employees and his team, I believe that education is very productive and that our investments will increase with our developing and growing team. "Besides, CM Logistics General Manager, who is active in land, sea and air transportation and also exporting in different sectors at the same time. Cem Bozkaya stated that Borsan supports "Foreign Trade Training in the Workplace" project, stating that the employees will have an effect on accelerating export sales especially if they have knowledge about "Finding Customers in Exports".

According to the wishes of the commodity exchange, its members will continue to provide training and consultancy services to their companies, as well as the theoretical information in the workplace, which will also explain the export process in practice.

Okunma Sayısı: 1358