"Certified Foreign Trade Training" attended by the member firms of the Tarsus Commodity Exchange and the project members participating in the Export Project within the scope of the "Tarsus Agricultural Products Group Export Development Project" Çukurova University's very valuable teacher Prof. Dr. It was given by Prof. Dr.Nejat Erk.

Within the context of the "Tarsus Agricultural Products Group Export Development Project" approved by code 17.URGE.040 within the scope of Communiqué 2010/8 on Support for the Promotion of International Competitiveness, in the foreign trade training organized for the purpose of increasing the international competitiveness of the stock exchange companies, 'Why should we export? '' With the subject of "Success is the key to the secret is in us" began teaching with Professor. Dr. Nejat Erk, Payment and Delivery Shapes in Exports, Documents Used in Exports, Logistics, Transportation, Marketing in International Trade.

Advantages of exports in terms of companies; Mr. Erk, who explains the letter of credit and foreign trade practices in details, prepared this training for the export process with a question and answer method for the problems that they encountered by opening the discussions about the current problems and applying them more than just information transfer.

While the issues were handled with all the details of the national and international dimensions of foreign trade, the level of knowledge and skills of the participants in this regard has been moved to the highest level with the participation approach of Sayın Erk. It was provided with the training to increase the competitive power of the companies by sharing the issues that the ultimate purpose of training was attained, the advantages of the companies that have the foreign trade information reinforced and the advantages that the "different foreign company" would bring to the world market.

Okunma Sayısı: 1627