At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Tarsus Commodity Exchange, the Evaluation of Accreditation System of the Stock Exchange was made.

Murat Kaya, Chairman of the Board of Directors Murat Kaya stated that the first quarter of 2017 will be completed within the scope of the 4th annual Tarsus Commodity Exchange Strategic Plan for 2017-2020 and the second quarter of the strategic plan will be completed in 2018.

President Murat Kaya used the following statements at the meeting: "The first quarter of our plan to establish the Quality Management System and the Accreditation System, to set the quality policy, to determine the institutional objectives, to mobilize the resources to sustain these systems by observing the institutional objectives, quality management system and accreditation system. . We aim to offer better quality service in the second quarter by staying true to our plan next year. As of the end of the year, our annual performances of our personnel will be measured and we will award our successful personnel within the scope of the relevant instructions. In 2018, we assigned three management boards to conduct and manage our strategic plan, saying, "Success is won together." In this year, we will redetect our quality targets and our stakeholders will send out survey questions and recycle them in order to evaluate our mission, vision, openness to development and our quality policy. We will also organize member training and meetings to be organized on the basis of analysis of our Member Suggestions and Request Forms for the year 2018 to be sent to our members for the year 2018. At the point of developing and contributing to the execution and application of our strategic plan, our members and stakeholders are in charge of us. "Success will be won together" I hope that our strategic plan for the second quarter will be good with our slogan of 2018.

Okunma Sayısı: 1528