In terms of lifestyle and the city's main public property of the City despite the historical, cultural, economic, commercial, and even create differences in the process of agricultural development, the first noticeable.

Tarsus goods, services and capital movements for centuries about the benefits, producing a stealth, production of capital that can shoot himself, who controls the business, cultural and tourism in this capital in the sense of a city that can maintain the appeal and has the potential to do this. The main elements in the branding of Tarsus, possibilities of the city in order to attract resources, the potential for introducing to the outside.

Today, creative people, different to the one I prefer, because the cities that indicates the tolerance of differences is feeding creativity, "energy and dynamism". The driving force of creativity to new economy is doomed to decline of creativity living cities. In today's conditions, economic growth, technology, talent and tolerance come together when it's happening.

The brand, owned by Tarsus Tarsus cultural, historical, integrating natural and social features, and other cities in an attempt to distinguish a distinctive mark that we live by supporting the development, recognition and image project.

Integrate your brand into the brand, the brand Created, and Tarsus Tarsus Become possibilities will separate from the other towns of potential and rich cultural heritage to create brand image on the authenticity of the historic past and the expression difference on a branding process that relies on to show the city's socio-cultural and economic structure to start contributing to the scope of Tarsus "brand city" where the ultimate goal is to ensure the development of the city, to provide better lives to living in the city, to increase their happiness. Make a city brand, is one of the highest return on investment.

Tarsus Commodity BECOME BRAND with the slogan "we're out on the road, we expect each segment support and sharing. If we want to create the city before we brand our point of view we must shape accordingly. For this reason; Tarsus Brand, Tarsus ' u most accurately reflected and a whole new energy and motivation to Tarsus to make yapılanmalıdır.

Produced in Tarsus, grown in the presence of architectural structures based on the past history of the works, and so on, and Tarsus Markasıyla was different from others that represent awareness creation, product and service awareness of brand value, quality is brand trust when we receive the upgrade as a target with the name of our özleştiği and this brand from other brands front of Tarsus are different values by creating a collection of the most basic component of brand value in the header of the Tarsus brand loyalty doesn't believe that we create, what we're going to create together with local actors in the promotion of the city organization expect support from all walks of life.

Okunma Sayısı: 2119